Tag: medical anatomy
Human Lung
A Backbone
Study of Human Body Structures
An Anatomical Diagram of the Male Reproductive System
A Gubernaculum
A Simple a Gallbladder
A Human Throat
A Uterus
A Simple Diagram of the Stomach with a Labeled Pylorus
Lower Abdomen Area
A Simple a Taloscaphoid Bone
Two Small Intestines
Sternum Bone
A Simple Outline of a Sternoglossal Muscle
Liver Shape
Shape of a Spleen
A Tibia Bone
A Spleen
A Sphincter
Liver Anatomy Diagram
A Simple Diagram of a Ureterocolostomy
Ribs in the Human Body
A Spine
Anatomical the Postpubis
A Simple Outline of a Pituitary Gland
A Simple a Bone
A Muscle in the Throat
Anatomy Bone: Interclavicle
Bone with Cartilage
Anatomy a Shoulder Bone
Anatomical Diagram of a Frenulum
Hip Bone
A Pancreas
A Gall-bladder
A Uterus Shape
Thyroid Gland
A Liver
A Lung
A Simple a Lung
Membranes in the Chest
A Simple Anatomical Diagram of a Dorsiduct
Corpus of Human Body
A Diagram of the Mesocolon
Facial Features: Cheekbones
A Detailed Outline of a Human Skull Focusing on the Mastoid Process
Anatomy Diagram of the Sternum
Anatomy of a Thighbone
Wrist Bones, Focusing on Unciforms
A Sternum
A Kidney
Jaw Bone Anatomy
A Knee
Cells in the Pancreas
Thyroid Gland
Human Ribcage